Petroleum Seismology

Geology 7900. 

Spring 2017

Dr. Juan M. Lorenzo
Department of Geology and Geophysics

Lectures Tuesday,Thursday
Room E207, New Howe-Russell Building  7.30-8.50 a.m.
Field trip (voluntary)
Office hours Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment
For appointments and all correspondence
Subject:  PETSEIS17
 Required textbooks

Book Cover

Introduction to Petroleum Seismology.  Investigations in Geophysics Vol 12 by Ikelle and Amundsen, 2005. First Edition


Fundamentals of mathematical physics, seismology and signal theory used to understand geological processes and structure in the earth.

Course work

One homework every 2-3 weeks, readings from the research literature and one final group project (groups of 2+ people)

Lectures will include but not be limited to topics covered by the course textbook. 

Each group will make a preliminary (15-minute) presentation of their final project in the format of a PowerPoint Presentation.

For the final project, students can choose topics covered in class and develop them to greater depth than covered in the text book. Students will be evaluated on their course project at the midterm stage.  Student groups will be expected to present their final project orally.

All homeworks, with the exception of the final project, are due printed (not hand-written), at the start of the class on the due date (see syllabus).   There will be 4-5 homework assignments. Late homeworks will NOT BE graded (no exceptions, please)

For each hour you are in class, you (the student) should plan to spend two hours on preparing for the next class and completing homework and laboratory work. 
Expected courses and experience Two semesters of undergraduate science major mathematics--Algebra and Calculus.  Physics with Calculus, programming experience with at least one high-level language like Excel, Matlab or Maple or Mathematica
Highly recommended for first-time users: free lynda tutorials, paid by your fees-- available through TigerWare

Course Grades

Final letter grades are calculated using the results of lecture homework (50%) and class presentations (10%), and final written project (30%) -- 10% of the total grade is reserved for class participation during project presentations and discussions.  A+: > 93.7-100%, A: > 93.3-96.7, A-: 90-93.3; B+: >86.7 - 90%, B: > 83.3-86.7, B-: 80-83.3; C+:>66.7-80%, C: >63.3-66.7, C-: 60-63.3;  D+: >56.7-60%, D: >53.3-56.7, D-: 50-53.3%, F (less than 50%)
Students with disabilities
Louisiana State University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. The syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to register with the Disability Services (DS). DS is located in 115 Johnston Hall. Phone is 225/ 578-5919. To receive academic accommodations for this class, please obtain the proper DS forms and meet with me at the beginning of the semester.
Academic Standards and Expectations What is LSU Commitment to Community?  What is Plagiarism?  What is Academic Misconduct?
COLOR CODES  Files can be in Powerpoint,Xcel, MSWord,Mathematica [.nb], .pdf, and .html formats .


old homeworks examples,
lab exercises,

Example Past Presentations:


Thu 12 Introduction to the Course, Matlab and Mathematica We will cover Chs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 plus:  hydraulic fracturing.  (The instructor reserves the right to include additional chapters from the required text book as the need arises.) EXAMPLE of PAST PROJECT TOPICS: Applied seismic Interferometry, Migration, Linearized seismic inversion, Petrophysical Seismic Models, Love Waves, Shear-Wave Splitting, AVO, Rayleigh Waves, Anisotropy, Multiple attenuation,wavefield decomposition into P- and S-waves and upgoing and downgoing waves
Tue 17 Review of vectors and indicial notation[.pdf ]
Review of Vectors and Indicial Notation [.pptx]
Ch 1 & Ch 2.
Thu 19
Review of Div., Grad., Curl [.nb]     (different files)

Ch1 & Ch2. 
Tue 23 Review of Div., Grad., Curl [.nb]     (different files) Ch1 & Ch2.
Thu 25 Review of Div., Grad.[.nb]  
Curl [.nb]
Laplacian [.nb]  (different files)
Stress Tensor [ .pdf]
Ch1 & Ch2.
Tue 31
Review of  Div., Grad., Curl,Laplacian [.pdf ]

Ch1 & Ch2. Choose topic and select group members


Thu 2 Review of  Div., Grad., Curl, Laplacian [.pdf ]
Review of Tensors [.pdf] 

Ch1 & Ch2.

Tue 7 Deformation tensor (strain) [.pdf]

 Ch1 & Ch2.

Thu 9
Co-ordinate Transformations  
Tue 14

Elastic Wave Propagation [.pdf]


  Diagonalization [.nb]  Diagonalization [.pdf]
Thu 16 Elastic WavePropagation [.pdf]
Elastic Moduli
Ch 2
Laplacian [.nb]; Ch1 & Ch2;
Helmholtz Separation [.pdf]
Wavefield Directivity

Tue 21
Voigt Notation [.pdf] Ch 2
Group Project Presentation: Table of Contents and 10 good references for paper due



Thu 2
Fourier Theory [.pptx]
Ch. 4 
April 2-5 AAPG Houston

April 4 Fourier Theory [.pptx]
Ch. 4
April 9 -16 Spring Break
Tue 18 Surface Waves Ch. 4
Thu 20
refs Cross-correlation notebook Ch. 4
Tue 25

Topic  presentations 1-4
Thu 27
Topic  presentations 5-7
Fri 28 Last day to submit project 4.30 p.m. Leave hardcopy in mailbox (E235 Howe-Russell) AND e-mail a digital copy by the same time.
Sat 29 last day of classes

 Tue 9 Grades Due
Th 7 hydraulic fracturing