Barbara Dutrow

Adophe G. Gueymard Professor



   3-D Heat and Mass Transport Modeling

     Development of Metamorphic Terranes

     Minerals as Complex Systems                                                                                            

     Metamorphic Minerals


     Scientific Visualization

     Spatial and Penetrative Thinking

    Undergraduate Research


    (click to see syllabus)


     Earth Materials and the Environment

     Scientific Visualization and Communication

     Petrologic Mineralogy

     Advanced Metamorphic Petrology

     Geothermal Energy Systems

     Geochemistry: Fluids in the Crust


    Field-work Fitness

Publications - CV


Professional Service

AWG Lecture Abstracts

    100 Mammoths

     Gems as Windows

Middle Teton, WY, USA

snow/ice climb

Professor of Geology

Department of Geology & Geophysics

E-235 Howe-Russell  Geoscience Complex

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA, 70803, U.S.A.

Tel: +1 225-578-2525

Fax: +1 225-578-2302

Email: dutrow at

Office Location: 203 Howe-Russell Bldg

Manual of Mineral Sciences. 23rd ed. Klein & Dutrow,

Wiley & Sons, 653 pg.

Prof. Dutrow is a metamorphic petrologist and petrologic mineralogist with research interests spanning from continental scale tectonometamorphism to micrometer scale crystallochemical interactions in minerals. Her research involving time transient 3-D computational modeling of heat and mass transport unifies these approaches and relates the influence of heat, fluids, and fluid flow on the development of metamorphic terranes.  In addition, she uses a variety of analytical instrumentation and was one of the first petrologists to use the ion microprobe to analyze the ‘forgotten’ light elements in minerals (Li, H). Her research combines geologic field mapping, geochemical and mineral chemical data, theoretical analyses and experimental work.

She also serves as the Curator for the mineralogy and petrology collections of the Natural History Museum at LSU.

Portuguese translation, 2012