Structural Geology Field Trip to Alabama Thursday, March 29- Sunday, April 1, 1996

From LSU:

Dr. J. M. Lorenzo, LSU, Baton Rouge. (10 students & 2 Teaching assistants)

From USF (Tampa, University of South Florida):

Dr. J.G. Ryan, (20 students & 2 Teaching assistants)

Multi-phase deformation at Elkahatchee Creek, or "How many generations of dykes can you see?"

Dr. Jeff Ryan (USF)

Compressive phase

Folded pegmatite dyke. From LSU, left to Right: Pamela Mitternight, Brandt Temple (Teaching Assistant)

Strike-slip phase

Faulted aplite dyke

Boulders in the Making!

Sitting left to right on an example of "Onion-skin weathering", from LSU: Gian Constantine and Brandt Temple (Teaching Asistant)

Inside a thrust fault (?)

Lay Dam- tectonized diamictite. Left-lateral sheared pebble and hinge of folded quartz vein