Geology 1001-section 4

                                                                                 Last updated: 02/11/98


WEATHERING - the chemical decay and physical fragmentation at the Earth’s surface of minerals and rocks that formed at elevated temperatures and pressures.

1. Chemical weathering -



2. Mechanical weathering -



* There is a feedback between these two types of weathering i.e.



SOILS - the part of the regolith that can support rooted plants

- mixture of


- IMPORTANT NATURAL RESOURCE that is essential f





1. ROCK TYPE AND COMPOSITION - rocks with stable minerals are


- mineral stability is roughly the reverse of




2. ROCK STRUCTURE - rocks with a greater




3. CLIMATE -the higher the



(a) water - results in both chemical and mechanical weathering

(b) vegetation - chemical weathering through release of


- mechanical weathering through root wedging

(c) animal life - burrowers


(d) temperature - enhanced chemical weathering at



(e) soil - affected by all of the above



4. TIME - the longer the time period the greater amount of weathering until





5. TECTONICS - movements of rocks on a large scale produce




This process produces a general increase in surface area.

1. Joints - closely spaced fractures with


- develops within 50 meters of the surface



2. Crystal Growth - evaporative crystals can grow in



3. Frost Wedging - in environments with many freeze-thaw cycles water




4. Heat Effects - possible effects due to daily heating and cooling

- certain effects due to rapid heating


5. Roots - act as




minerals developed at high T, P may be unstable at the surface of the Earth.


1. Chemical weathering reactions

(a) Development of carbonic acid by solution of CO2 in rainwater:

H2O + CO2 = H2CO3


(b) Dissolution of carbonate minerals by carbonic acid

CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca2+ + 2(HCO3)-


(c) Hydrolysis - H+ and OH- replace ions in minerals

e.g. hydrolysis of K-feldspar to kaolinite:

4 KAlSi3O8 + 4 H+ + 2 H2O = 4 K+ + Al4Si4O10(OH)8 + 8 SiO2


(d) Leaching - removal of soluble material by water (analogous to coffee-making).


(e) Oxidation - change of oxidation states of transition elements (esp. Fe)

e.g. Oxidation of Fe2+ in silicate minerals to goethite

4 FeO + 2 H2O + O2 = 4 FeO(OH)


2. Concentrates stable minerals - especially


3. Exfoliation and spheroidal weathering - spalling of



Definition - part of the regolith that can support rooted plants


Basis for the stability of terrestrial hydrosphere and biosphere

- support of

- storage of

- pollutant trap


Origin - chemical/mechanical breakdown of


-organic matter is derived from



Soil horizons evolve as a series of subhorizontal


The following is a simplified soil profile:

A-Horizon - upper dark zone,



B-Horizon - brown-to-red zone,



C-Horizon - weathered



Other soil horizon zones that are localized or regional

O-Horizon - uppermost


E-Horizon - light-colored zone due to lack of


K-Horizon - Ca-carbonate-rich horizon common in


Major soil types (greatly simplified)

Pedalfers - soils rich in


- generally with a thin


- typical of soil in areas of moderate -to-high rainfall


- generally good agricultural soils


Pedocals - soils rich in Ca (typically as CaCO3)

- thin A- and B-horizons commonly with a crust of soil cemented by


- typical of soils developed in


- generally poorer soils (little organic matter)


Laterites - deep, red soils stripped of all silicates leaving


- very thin soil organic-rich humus layer due to constant recycling to the surface plants


- typical of equatorial rain forests (e.g. Brazil)

-results in poor soils subject to rapid damage



1. Climate - warm, humid climates have



- lack of water and cool weather inhibit soil formation


2. Vegetation cover - generally


3. Soil organisms - produces more



4. Composition of parent material - responsible for the proportions of



5. Topography - regions with steep topography generally



6. Time - the more time the greater




As population increases there is pressure on agricultural land use; generally resulting in more rapid soil erosion


Rates of soil loss

- erosion removes topsoil at 5 times its rate of formation

- » 6.7 kg of soil is lost for each 1 kg of food produced


Control of soil erosion

- effective controls exist, but must be used extensively

- as much land as possible should be in grasses

- crop rotation of row crops and solid cover crops

- steep slopes should not be farmed


World economy

- agriculture is the basis of the world economy

- on a short term, soils are non-renewable