Except for liquid medication military funded research has shown that the active ingredients in pills have a shelf-life many times longer than the shelf life given on prescription medication.

Make up a simple basic medical kit that can be grabbed and taken with you if you have to flee.  Besides prescription drugs this should including aspirin, Fleet enema, Lomotil, Neosporin ointment, Vaseline and gas tape. Buy a copy of a good but simple emergency medicine text. I use the 'Ship Captains Medical Guide' and 'Medicine for Mountaineers' but purchased these over thirty years ago and I know there are other excellent books on the market.  Those for field medicine in developing countries are usually well worth the purchase value.

My survival medical kit includes the following.

  1. General collection of medications including those for bacterial dysentery
  2. Personal medications for each member of my immediate family
  3. Blood pressure measuring equipment
  4. Thermometer
  5. Bandages
  6. Splints
  7. Enema
  8. Anti-bacterial creams