A BASIC survival ration for one [1] month per person is.

Salt 0.75 lbs
Sugar [HONEY] 4.0 lbs
Vegetable Oil 2.0 lbs
Non-fat powdered milk 4.0 lbs
Beans 10.0 lbs
Whole kernel hard wheat [or rice] 30.0 lbs. 

The above survival ration is a one month supply that you grab in an emergency. It is not necessary to eat this if you have made adequate preparations by getting a stock-pile of food in. The shelf life of food is much longer than you may think or hear. If the food is stored carefully it survives a long time i.e. up to 4 years for powdered milk - not the commonly held belief of 6 months. Wheat must be ground to a fine powder.  Rice, in particular is recommended.  It stores well and can be mixed with a variety of other things to create the impression of great variety [even though you are eating the same thing day-after-day].

Based on the Office of Civil Defense suggestions the following is a survival food supply for one [1] month per person. This should be stored at your survival location.

Sugar: 1/2-lb
Salt: 1/2-lb
Milk: non-fat dry: 4 pkgs [40 ozs]; evaporated: 8 cans [28 ozs]
Fruits: 8 jars or 6 1-lb pkgs [224 ozs]
Vegetables: 16 cans [224 ozs]
Meats including fish: 16 1-lb and 1/2-lb cans [406 ozs]
Soups: 16 cans [224 ozs]
Juices: 12 bottles [128 ozs]
Beverages: coffee, teas, chocolate: 4 jars [4 ozs]
Cheese, nut-butters: 8 jars [14ozs]
Jams: 4 jars [14ozs]
Cereal equivalent of 28 packets of individual serving size.

In addition add the following as general supplies:
Honey:  1 lb
Vegetable Oil: 2 lb. Children and older people should have more fat [vegetable oil in the basic survival ration.  
Rice: 2 lb
Wheat: 2 lb. If you use hard wheat use a  grinder to grind it up. It must be ground into a powder to avoid sore mouth and diarrhea.
Flour: 2 lb


I recommend you do the following NOW at the location you intend to survive.

Only some of the food you find in a Supermarket  will be useful: these include canned and dried meats, vegetables, fruits, and stews. Don't even think about living off the land unless you know what you are doing and are in an area where there is game.

In preparing food make sure you wash and disinfect your hands before cooking and and the cooking utensils after cooking. Accidental food poisoning will really put everyone out of action for 24 hours. CORRECT STORAGE IS IMPORTANT FOR FOOD. Remember it should be kept cool. An iron pot is recommended for cooking in as this will give the necessary iron supply to the food. Vitamin D is generated in your body by exposing yourself to the SUN for an hour a day [preferably not all at once!].