Spatial Similarity Analysis: course notes.

target population
spatial variability
HARTAX program

attribute types

Spatial Dimension
single sample problem
single line problem
dual line problem
multiple line problem

Sampling statistics
density functions
nominal data
ordinal data
interval data
ratio data

Grundy exact probability
Relative uncertainty
Macintosh ordination

Shannon-wiener index
Macintosh ordination
E. H. Simpson #1
E. H. Simpson #2
E. H. Simpson #3
Margalet diversity
MacArthur rarefaction

Comparative Diversity
Austin & Orloci
Bray & Curtis
Canberra Metric
G. G. Simpson #1
G. G. Simpson #2
G. G. Simpson #3
Crusafont & Santonja
Kulczywski Community

Similarity indices
Dice index
Fager index
Jacard index
Otsuka index
Simpson index

Matching indices
Roger & Tanimoto
Russel & Roe
Sokal & Michener

Association indices
Kulezynski #1
Minkowski metric
City block metric
Euclidean metric
Pearson Chi-Sq.
Calhoun non-metric
Lance & Williams

Probabilistic indices
Correlation ratio

Spatial proximity
Joint count
Common boundary

Information indices
Information #1
Information #4
Information #5
Information #6
Preston Log 
Features of difference
Squared distance

site data
linear data
areal data
spatial data
PIXPLOT program

nominal data
ordinal data
interval data
ratio data


Catalog of indices

Accompanying Data Bases










Human beings are constantly involved with trying to classify things into groups and then trying to understand the similarities and differences between those groups.  Often the groups are already defined and we are interested in discovering whether or not one group is really different from another.  In many cases this is import to us at the personal level.  For example, we have two groups one of which takes drug A and the other which does not: are the results similar or different. You measure a dozen different health variables every day, such a temperature, blood pressure, pulse, weight, calorie intake etc. You do this for a year and want to know if there are any similarities or differences that are related to changes during the week, month or whole year. The answer to such questions are relatively easy to discover using similarity indices.

A great deal of information is available to the general public today in readily accessible form from digital databases.  Many of these are available at the local library on CD or from the internet.  Optical databases have a potential shelf life much longer than the 150 years of acid based printing paper and will become dominant in our libraries in the next decade.  However, the more useful aspects of these data are not concerned so much with the ability to store and access large general bodies of information, but with the ease of access and ability to reduce the data, using available statistical methods to answer questions pertinent to our lives. Similarity indices are a group of statistical procedures that are relatively easy to understand and present  exciting possibilities for real human-computer interaction.  They can provide a more objective experimental approach to understanding data.

In order to analyze data quantitatively it is necessary to understand the nature of data; how it should be collected; and, how it can, and cannot, be used. One of the earliest considerations for data analysis is designing a sampling plan to ensure the information is reliable for the purpose for which it is to be used. Different results may be obtained if different sampling designs are employed; and, sometimes the question answered by the results of a given sample study is not the same as the question originally asked. A sampling plan is necessary both for original studies or when the data is drawn from a large database that already exists.

In designing a sampling plan to solve any specific problem there are four procedural steps to be followed.

1. The problem must be clearly and reliably defined.

2. The sampling procedures must be specified prior to data selection.

3. The measurement procedures must be stated and their limits understood.

4. The technique for data analysis must be selected with due regard to the first three procedural steps.

The purpose for undertaking any study must be clearly defined at the very beginning. Defining the purpose implicitly defines the problem and the population to be studied. Problem definition also should examine the constraints within which a solution must be found. Often a clear problem definition shows it cannot be solved within its constraints. Scientific constraints usually involve precision, accuracy, and reliability; although, often the constraints of time, money and personnel are more prominent in deciding whether, or not, to attempt to solve a problem.

Precision is concerned with dispersion, and accuracy is concerned with truth (measured by  a tendency to cluster around a central point). However, the more general term reliability pertains to the worth that an observer will place upon a result. All of these concepts are related to an understanding of how a sample relates to the target population that we are trying to understand These concepts are pertinent to an understanding of how s sample related to it's target population and how such statistics as similarity indices are interpreted.  Similarity indices, as with statistical procedures in general, often have been misused because of a lack of understanding of basic statistical reasoning about population. 

When sampling from a databank a major assumption used is that the data is reliable.  For large data sets this assumption is often violated and error checking must be performed. For example, in a  test of reliability study of the Oil and Gas Database from one of the US States Conservation Department archives about six percent of the data records were in error.  This is consistent with an earlier study [1969] when a test of reliability study was performed on the accuracy of keypunched data [the old method of putting data into the computer].  This study indicated that there was almost a four percent error rate when data is put into a machine by hand, and this four percent is repeated in both the first and second set of corrections to the original data errors. Error checking techniques, consistently applied, can remove most of such errors.


The population under investigation must be clearly understood. In all statistical investigations a sample is drawn from a population of samples with the purpose of gathering information on the Target population. My late friend John Griffiths noted three types of target populations that we might be interested in [Griffiths and Ondrick,1969].

The hypothetical population is the theoretical population that should have been formed under the constraints of the model.

The existent population  is the real population which now exists and is the result of modification of the theoretical population.

The available population is the readily available population from which samples are drawn. Its relationship to the existent population is generally a function of the cost (time, financial or otherwise) required to collect random and representative samples of the existent population.

A random sample is one in which each member of the sampled population has the same chance of being selected as the sample, as does any other member of the population. If the available population is neither a random nor a representative sample of the existent population it yields biased estimators which cannot be adequately measured and gives conclusions that apply solely to the samples taken and not to the population of interest.  It is therefore useless in answering questions about the population. 

To improve reliability and predictability in it is necessary to ensure that the conclusions and interpretations actually apply to the existent population. If the problem is to be solved efficiently this must be accomplished during the designing of the sampling plan. A failure to do this may result in conclusions which do not apply to the target population.


Homogeneity in the theoretical population is a crucial concept.  If the population to be sampled is homogenous we can draw our sample from any part of it and be sure that we have a reasonable estimation of the population. Unfortunately, most populations are not homogenous but are structured.

When the population possesses structure one way to examine it is to  consider it a collection of homogenous sub-populations. It then becomes necessary to randomly sample the sub-populations, if such details are a necessary part of the investigation. By necessity we have to assume homogeneity at our lowest sampling level, but preferably should test for it.

In choosing the sampling design for a problem, one should assume that the population is structured and sample accordingly at the smallest affordable unit. If we adopt a sampling design that assumes the population is not structured then our results may show it is not structured: even if it is.

Because of inherent small scale variations in both space and time one must consider that two kinds of samples exist. These are spot samples and channel samples. In the earth for example, spot samples are relatively small volumes of material derived from a relatively small volume of the existent population. Channel samples are linear strips of material which may extend centimeters or meters. Channel samples are collected  when one assumes small scale structure in the existent population that are not of interest to the problem. Channel samples cross the sub-populations and give each its appropriate weight at the same time. A sample of this type will contain no information on the structure within the range of the sample. To obtain the latter it is necessary to sample within the range of the sub-populations. Channel samples will only be "best estimators" if they are appropriately weighted to give the correct proportions of each sub-population in the existent population. If this is done then a channel sample of each  unit will give a best estimator that is correctly weighted for that unit.  The same ideas apply for sampling over time rather than space.

A special kind of sample is used in certain branches of earth science.  This is the ditch sample. This is a special kind of channel sample used in subsurface geological studies. It is derived from the cuttings produced from a rotary drilling rig. In ditch samples the proportions of each sub-population cannot be controlled. Various methods of "upgrading" the ditch samples are used to improve the reliability of the cuttings. Essentially, the aim is to permit the assumption that the cuttings represent a reliable channel sample. Two common methods for improving the reliability of the ditch cutting are back-picking and front-picking of the sample prior to analysis. Back-picking involves removing cuttings that are obvious contaminants whereas front-picking involves selecting cuttings for analysis that are believed to be representative of the interval being analyzed. We are effectively biasing our sampling procedure by applying an expert opinion to determining the composition of the sample.  Surprising the method usually works in that it gives testable results.  This type of sampling is rarely used outside earth science but it has possibilities where samples are believed to have been contaminated or distorted and they can be corrected by recourse to expert opinion.


The various indices discussed in this manuscript were implemented for single sample, linear and dual line analyses in the HARTAX program written by William B. Evans and myself in 1982, and previously unpublished. The program is written in C and is both UNIX and MSDOS based.  A windows based module can be written if there is sufficient interest.


Virginia Senders [1958], in her delightfully common sense approach to Measurement and Statistics notes that measurement is the process of assigning numerals to objects [data] according to rules. Numerals, which are symbols and not necessarily numbers, are assigned to objects using four commonly used rules. The rule to use is implicit in the data (objects). The most important point is that there is a direct relationship between each rule and the degree to which the properties of numbers (arithmetic) apply to the data. The rules result in four different kinds of scales of measurement. These are the nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scale of measurement. The kind of scale upon which the data is measured is important because it follows that the scale determines what kinds of  arithmetic manipulations can be performed on the data.

The term data types is used to imply the scale of measurement that applies to the data. It must be emphasized that the data type is important because it determines the kinds of statistics that can be calculated from the sample. By setting bounds on the appropriateness of statistical procedures it determines the specific quantitative procedures that are applicable to each problem.


The nominal measurement scale is based on the idea of presence and absence. It groups objects into classes because they have a particular attribute, and makes no assumptions about any other object in the classification. A modal class can be calculated. An example is the naming of biological taxa or of colors.


The ordinal measurement scale groups objects into classes but each class has a relative but none quantified relationship to each other class. An example would be a relative scale of measurement of the preservation of furniture into poorly preserved, moderately preserved, well preserved and excellently preserved. A mode and a median can be calculated.


The interval measurement scale groups objects into classes which have an equal distance between each class but without any regard to an absolute zero point. A mode, median, mean, standard deviation and product-moment coefficients can be calculated.

Examples of interval data include calendar time and degrees centigrade. In calendar time the time interval between 100 AD and 200 AD is the same as the time interval between 1700 AD and 1800 AD, but the year 200 AD is not twice as late in time as the year 100AD. The zero value was arbitrary and if we used a different zero point then different relationships would hold amongst our numerals. For degrees centigrade 20oC is not twice as hot as 10oC. It should be noted that a similar argument applies to the depth of a sample in the earth.


The ratio measurement scale is similar to the interval scale but the true zero point is known. All available statistical methods can be calculated for ratio scale data. Examples of ratio data are the thickness of layer of rock in the earth,  degrees Kelvin, absolute time, and time intervals.


Attributes or variables are the fundamental objects measured on a single sample, using one of the four scales of measurement.  Attributes are classified as continuous or discrete according to the possible values they can assume. If all definable values in an interval are possible then the variable is continuous. If only a specific set of numbers may be assumed within an interval then the variable is discrete.

The simplest way to visualize attribute measure is on a bar chart [for discrete data categories] or a histogram / frequency polygon [for continuous data]. Sometimes studies are undertaken where a fixed number of attributes are used, and in such cases the absence of an attribute is important and taken into account in subsequent analysis.  In other cases the absence of an attribute is simply not recorded. 

A further consideration is seen when we examine the attributes in a data base.  The variables may be primary, secondary, redundant, or confounded.

Primary variables are measured attributes of an object that represent fundamental information about that object i.e. information that is not measured directly or indirectly by any another variable in the data base.

Secondary variables are attributes of an object that are derived from one or more primary variable(s). An example could be higher taxonomic rank of organisms [e.g. Primates] derived from the binomial [e.g. Homo sapiens]. In automated procedures the secondary variables are derived from the primary variables by passing the primary data through a filter. This filter is a special computer program that must be written to perform the specific procedure. Secondary variables always can be derived from the primary variables within the database but may be kept within the database as distinct attributes if their recalculation every time they are needed would be inefficient.

Redundant variables  are secondary attributes that do not need to be kept in the database. The information contained in a redundant variable already is present in one of the primary or secondary variables.

Confounded variables are extremely common in studying the earth sciences A confounded variable is a attribute which is known to be a result of two or more primary attributes but the primary attributes are not known e.g. the incidence of breast cancer in different countries is influenced by numerous unknown variables. Within the database the confounded variable must be handled as if it were a primary variable. An important task of statistical analysis of data is to partition a confounded variable into its separate parts.


The counting of attributes in a single sample is a multiple attribute analysis.  Such an analysis is merely an adjunct to describing the sample.  However, the interesting cases are concerned with multiple sites. In many situations, such as resource and environmental analysis as discussed in later sections, spatial analysis is not concerned with the spatial relationship of the attributes but with the spatial relationship of the samples.

Procedures are the  techniques that are applied to the data during data analysis. Statistical procedures are a particular set of techniques that are applied, and follow a general model:

Y = (something) + (error of measurement)


Where Y is said to be the dependent variable that is being measured, and (something) is some relationship among the so-called independent variables that control or predict Y.

An important aim of applying statistical procedures to a database is data reduction. The aim of data reduction is to reduce the amount of information to a size that can be interpreted by the observer. There are numerous statistical procedures for analyzing the data once it has been reduced. One way to understand how to analyze a common set of problems is to group them into four levels of complexity for quantitative data analysis. These different levels of complexity will be illustrated by reference to collections of biological and palaeontological data from surface and subsurface samples.  The respective databases are MDELTA and KARROSS given in the Appendix


This is point analysis as might occur when examining a single site or sampling station.

Within the KARROSS data base the single sample problem consists of analyzing a record that in addition to its record number has the variables Taxon (1) - Taxon (N). If one asks a group of good taxonomists individually if they are good taxonomists the answers will be yes. However, if you ask them if they will always agree, with one another, on specific taxonomic identifications the answer will be no. In fact there are various levels of taxonomic stability depending upon the amount a work that has been accomplished in the field, the diversity of training of the taxonomist, the experience of the taxonomist and many other factors. However, a basic assumption must be that the taxonomy is stable. This often can be accomplished by a filter that standardizes a taxonomic database (a synonymy filter). Hart and Fiehler [1971] and Hart [1972a] discussed this problem.

Depending upon the data type the single sample problem simply involves characterizing the sample by its statistics. The valid interpretation is limited to diversity and relative abundance analysis. Minimally, a filter should be available to determine the higher taxonomic grouping of the sample data. Ideally, filter programs are available for determining the age, the environment, and the similarity of the sample to other samples in the database.



This is linear analysis as might occur when one takes samples along the course of a river or from a borehole drilled into the subsurface. In biostratigraphic terms this is the single well problem and involves multiple samples, for which the depth is known, taken from a single borehole. Depth may be measured on an ordinal, or interval scale. An assumption is that the geological Law of Superposition holds true, or that the database has been manipulated so that superposition is true.

In such a study the most common problem to be solved is to establish a single-well zonation within the constraints of the International Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature. In reality, the problem is constrained by the resources that must be applied to solve the problem (personnel, equipment, and time) and the analytical capabilities of the system (of the observer and of the hardware-software).  This is because the results are influenced by sample type [spot, channel, cutting], number of individuals counted from the samples, etc.

The statistical problems associated with one well zonation are concerned with sampling error. A one well zonation is precise but of unknown accuracy or reliability. The sampling error in biostratigraphic analysis is inherent in sample examination (misidentifications, failure to observe a taxon that is present), and sample spacing (failure to recognize confounding effects of depth, lithology, environment; failure to apply the Rule of Overlapping Ranges). These kinds of sampling error can be reduced by the investment of more time in data gathering and/or the application of error reduction techniques during the sampling design and analysis phase of the data gathering.

Reliability is difficult to assess in the single line problem. The confounding effects of lithology, depositional environment, diagenesis. catagenesis, and climate have an influence on the zonation but cannot be adequately assessed in the single well problem. The Occurrence Chart is the only real biostratigraphic data to be analyzed. The conventional method of analysis is to use the Range Chart. This is an interpretation of the occurrence chart that visually shows associations. Working with range charts the observer makes decisions as to which associations are most important. Automated techniques applicable to the single well problem use this approach. The most reliable are the association techniques such as cluster analysis, ordination analysis, unitary associations and contour analysis. These are based on changes in an entire assemblage as opposed to changes in a single taxon; and, their function is to reduce the data to form where the zonation is less biased.

Ranking and scaling algorithms are used to examine the occurrence chart to extract preliminary zonation. Ranking is the process of placing a number of individual samples in order according to some quality that they all possess to a varying degree [Kendall, 1975].  Agterberg and Nell [1982a] and Agterberg [1990] discuss some ranking algorithms used in biostratigraphic analysis. In biostratigraphic analysis the ranking of the 'tops' is an important process in zonation. This is because most samples from boreholes are ditch samples and the first occurrence of a taxon down a hole is its most reliable occurrence [this is called it's top].

Because it is difficult to isolate the sources of variation affecting the distribution of a taxon in time it is difficult to know the true ranges of taxa. For this reason Agterberg [1983] calls the results of applying a generalized ranking procedure the Optimal Sequence.

Scaling algorithms are discussed by Agterberg and Nell [1982b] and Agterberg [1990]. These techniques calculate the distances between successive stratigraphic events along a linear time scale. These distances may be used in other procedures to seek assemblage zones [see Hudson and Agterberg, 1982 using cluster analysis and dendrograms for this purpose]



The dual line problem occurs when samples are taken along two separate lines such as river channels. The use of similarity and difference indices allows comparison of both samples within each line and between each line. In subsurface studies a special case of the dual line problem is sectional analysis as might occur when two boreholes are sampled and their samples compared. In geological terms this is the dual well problem and is particularly important in providing a biostratigraphic zonation that is generalized over both wells and allows reliable biostratigraphic correlations. In sectional analysis depth or time are the z - axis and a distance measure is the x - axis.  Compared with the single well problem the zonation produced in a dual well problem should show decreased precision but increased accuracy and reliability. It is important to remember that the final decision concerning a zonation is made by an individual observer.

The solution to the sectional problem should allow  partitioning of the confounded effects if replication of a confounded variable occurs in wells. Sometimes the confounding can be removed without further statistical analysis if ancillary information is available. An additional difficulty in the two well problem is the geographic variability that may be introduced, and confounded with other effects. It may be possible to determine the scale of geographic variability if all of the variation can be correctly assessed. This is most likely if the correct sampling design was used.

An important consideration in the sectional problem is the difference between Matching and Correlation. Matching occurs when two wells exhibit similar linear distribution of taxa and the distribution is not controlled by time but is a result of other effects which are confounded with depth e.g. lithofacies. Correlation occurs when two wells exhibit similar vertical distribution of taxa that are controlled by time. A knowledge of more general geological factors may play a role in assessing the reliability of biostratigraphic correlation. In general, a biostratigraphic (or lithostratigraphic) correlation that is made along depositional strike is more reliable than one made down depositional dip.


This is a form of areal analysis when the samples can be grouped on a single plane, and spatial analysis when they cut different planes. When the sets of samples are conceived as occurring within two dimensional polygonal areas, and the analysis considers the relationship of each polygon to it's surrounding polygons we are dealing with classical areal analysis.  Each polygonal area is weighted according to it's nearness to all other polygonal areas in the sampled universe.  The comparison is a measure of both similarity amongst attributes and distance apart of samples.

Samples or attributes should be analyzed within the spatial framework of there existence when location is important to the interpretation of their relationships. In the geological subsurface the multiple line problem is best seen as the multi-well problem and requires spatial analysis of the data. The major difficulty that arises is that the z - dimension is linear with depth but not with time but it is time that controls the variations in most attributes. The x - and y - axes are standard geographic coordinates.  As the number of wells increases in the problem-space the precision of zonations is reduced and the accuracy increased. A general consequence is that the number of biostratigraphic zones initially decreases and then stabilizes. If the number of samples is large enough the confounding effects may be isolated, in particular the geographic effect may be partitioned so that the scale and orientation of geographic variability is seen. An important consideration in the multi-well study is that the amount of confounding over a study of regional scale maybe so large that all taxa may be shown to vary with regard to some effect other than depth (or time). This was clearly seen in the 50 well study by Hart [1972b] where the conclusion was:

there was no direct way to make detailed stratigraphic correlations over regional distances using the percentage abundance of miospore taxa. The reason for this may be due to any one, or all of the sources of variation, acting upon miospores to cause areal and temporal variation.


In this section some of the simple statistical concepts necessary to apply quantitative methods are introduced. The approach is to consider the analysis of a single sample in which the measured variables are depth, and taxon[1] - taxon [N], in addition we include sample ID. From the early discussion it is clearly important to determine the scale of measurement of the data. This can generally be accomplished in a simple way by asking the following questions about the data type.

1. Is one category simply different from another category and that is all? If so the data is nominal.

2. Is one category bigger or better than another category? If so the data is ordinal.

3. Is one category so-many units more than the next category? If so the data is interval.

4. Is one category so-many times as big as the next category? If so the data is ratio.

The statistical procedures that are appropriate for data reduction under the different scales of measurement will be discussed in terms of:

  • distribution overview
  • ,
  • measures of central tendency,
  • dispersion;  and,
  • position within the sample.


The concept of a distribution is a central one in statistical analysis of data. The PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION f(i) tells us for each value of i what the probability is of I having that value. We can write the probability density function for all possible values of i and if we draw a frequency graph of i against f(i) we get a curve which defines the distribution of the data. When a sample is compared with a population we are comparing it to a specific distribution (either known or assumed). The statistics calculated for a sample depends upon its distribution.

The sampling distribution that should be used for analyzing discrete data (whether nominal, ordinal or scalar), is the multinomial distribution. If we have a population with K categories: C1 C2 C3 C4.....Ck. Then for a sample size of n (total count) with X (i) being the numbers in each category by definition:

SUM (i=1,k) X (i) = n


In the case where k=2 the population has only two categories. If p(i) is the proportion of X(i) then:

X(2) = n - X(1)



p (i) = X(i)/n


Only one variable need be considered and this is called the binomial variable. It is said to have a binomial distribution with parameters n and p(i). The binomial distribution is known for all values of p(i) and its characteristics are well established. The expected value is:

 E[X (i)] = np (i)


The dispersion is measured by the variance:

V[X (i)] = np (i)[1-p (i)]


If n is large (>30) then a famous theorem called the Central Limit Theorem says that the random variable Z(i) defined as:

Z(I) = [X(i) - np(i)] / SQRT[np(i){1-p(i)}]


will approximate a Normal or Gaussian distribution. This is an important conclusion, for it means Normal statistics can be used to analyze discrete data. It works very well for n>30 and 0.2>p(i)<0.8. As p(i) moves away from 0.5 n must increase to remain a valid procedure. It should be noted that Z(i) is in fact the observed value minus the expected value then divided by the variance of the binomial distribution.

For the case where K>2 and p(i)>=0 then the sum of the proportions is 1 and the sum of x(i) is n. With a large enough n and a random sampling each X(i) has a binomial distribution and the population is said to have a multinomial distribution. Under the appropriate conditions the variables are approximately distributed as a Normal distribution.

Clearly, depending upon n and the values of p(i) rests the method of analysis of nominal data. In one case where the criteria for using a Normal distribution are met then more powerful tests are available. In the other case direct application of multinomial probability methods are used. Rigorous application of this rule rejects the use of the more powerful tests in many studies.


If n>30 & 0.2>p(i)<0.8 then assume the Normal Distribution.  Otherwise directly apply Multinomial Probability Methods.




[after Sander 1958, Stevens 1972]


Bar Graph






Not appropriate

In the simplest form nominal data is binary, based on presence or absence of an attribute ( using the base2 number system). The  analysis of ditch samples usually obtains data in a binary form. Much more information can be derived from counts made on a higher order number system e.g. base10. It should be noted that the number system used is independent of the data type.


Table XX shows a flow chart for analyzing nominal data. The basic information that can be obtained is a list of the categories present (LIST), and the number of categories present (CATS). Without the use of filter programs (AGE, ENVIR, HITAX) to agglomerate or somehow tag the categories with another characteristic nothing else can be done with the data.


TABLE XX shows that additional data reduction procedures are now available. Graphics in the form of a bar chart and a pie chart are possible. Moreover, central tendency (mode) and dispersion (uncertainty) can be estimated. Minimum, maximum values and ratios, proportions and percentages of categories also may be calculated. When data is measured on the nominal scale it is not meaningful to describe the position of one observation relative to other observations.


The measure of dispersion for nominal data is the uncertainty statistic (H), measured in bits. This measures the average number of binary decisions that must be made in order to determine the category of an individual.

H = -SUM[p(i)LOG2p(i)] bits


where p is the proportion of cases in an individual category. The higher H the greater the uncertainty. The method is discussed in greater detail by Senders (1958). Using the data A : .5 .5; B : .25 .5; C : .25 .5 the following is a worked example.

CAT (i) p(i)  -p(i)log2p(i)
A 0.50 0.50
B 0.25 0.50
C 0.25 0.50

An additional measurement is the relative uncertainty H(rel). Whereas H describes the absolute uncertainty or unpredictability of a distribution, the value H(rel) describes the uncertainty as a comparison between the actual uncertainty and the uncertainty that might exist if all counts were divided equally amongst the various categories. The equation for relative uncertainty is simple.

H(rel) = H / H(max)


If all counts are equally divided then:

 H=H(max) and H(rel)=1


but if only one category contains all counts then:



For the case where all counts are equally divided:



Using the same example as above in which there are three categories the expected values are 0.3 therefore:

H(max) = log2(3) =1.5849 bits


H(rel) = 1.5000/1.5849 = .95 or 95% uncertainty


The measure of uncertainty (H) does not take into account the ordering of the observation classes.


Distribution Overview

Multistate counts on the ordinal data categories can be described by bar graphs when discrete and by histograms when continuous. However, grouped frequency, cumulative frequency, and percentage graphs also can be used, because adjacent categories are related. It should be remembered that the horizontal distances between points in such graphs are arbitrary.

Central Tendency

Multistate counts on discrete data can use the mode as a measure of central tendency, however the median is generally a better predictor because it is more stable than the mode, as more data is added. Moreover, the mode is dependent upon the size of the class interval used and the starting point of the individual classes.


Because measurements on an ordinal scale take into account the order of the classes the essential statistic for measuring dispersion is the Range. This is measured as:



The variability can be measured by Quartiles. The first quartile (Q1) contains 25% of the observations, the second quartile (Q2) contains 50% of the observations (the median), and the third quartile (Q3) contains 75% of the observations. The interquartile range (Q1-Q3) contains 50% of the measurements. An alternative is to give the Semi interquartile range (Q3-Q1)/2=Q. The units of measurement are those of the original observations. Because of the problem associated with knowing the distance between classes on the ordinal scale the calculated statistics of quartile ranges are less preferable than an actual written statement, such as "one fourth of the measurements had scores below 15 microns and one fourth had scores above 125 microns)".


When data is measured on the nominal scale it is not possible to describe the position of one observation relative to other observations. However, with the ordinal scale measurement adjacent observations can be Ranked from 1 to n simply by calling the lowest score 1, the second lowest 2 and so on till n is reached. A more meaningful measure actually takes into account the size of n and is the Percentage rank measured by [RANK/n] * 100. Computationally, this can be done more easily by:

{[OBS-MIN]/[MAX-MIN]} * 100


If the data is discrete the percentile rank can be found by the formula

%R= {{[(OBS-L)*Fi]/I} + Fb}* {100/n}


L is lower class limit of the interval within which the observation lies.

Fi is the number of other observations in the class containing the observation to be ranked.

Fb is the number of observations below the class containing the observation to be ranked.

n the number of observations.

I is the width of the class interval.



[after Sander 1958, Stevens 1972]


Bar Graph [discrete]

Histograms (continuous)

Frequency Polygons

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative Percentage


Mode (discrete)

Median (more stable than mode)


Inter-percentile Ranges



Percentile Ranks



Distribution Overview

The general overview of multistate data can be obtained using graphs in the same way as for nominal and ordinal data. However, an important observation to be made is the amount of Skewness and Kurtosis of the data. We can do this because the horizontal distance between points on the graphs are mathematically meaningful. Thus we can talk about the shape of the distribution. Kurtosis measures the relative flatness or peakedness of a distribution and skewness measures the tendency for observations to clump at the lower (negatively skewed) or the upper (positively skewed) end of the frequency distribution. Skewness can be measured quantitatively but the value means very little. Similarly, kurtosis can be precisely measured and related to the normal curve, which has a value of 3. Curves are said to be platykurtic, mesokurtic, or leptokurtic depending upon there degree of flatness. It should be noted that superficially mesokurtic curves with different standard deviations can simulate both platy- and leptokurtic curves.

Central Tendency

The measure of central tendency for multistate interval data is the ARITHMETIC MEAN.


The measure of dispersion for multistate data is the standard deviation, and the average deviation



For the average deviation of the median substitute the median value for the mean. Interestingly, this is a better estimate than the mean because it leads to a smaller error in prediction. However, in general both the average deviation of the mean and the average deviation of the median are not rarely used because of the strength of the variance as a measure of dispersion. Variance is the square of the standard deviation (S), where:




The means of measuring relative position is the standard score and normalized score. The fundamental standard score is the z-score which relates the observation, the mean and the standard deviation to one another by the equation (OBS-MEAN)/S. In the normalized score each observation is assigned its theoretical z-score according to its rank in the sample and assuming a normal distribution. If the data is not normal then the z-score and the percentile rank is given.



[after Sander 1958, Stevens 1972]


Bar Graph [discrete]

Histograms (continuous)

Frequency Polygons

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative Percentage




Arithmetic Mean


Average Deviation

Standard Deviation


Standard Scores

Normalized Scores



Distribution Overview

Ratio data uses the same techniques for distribution overview as data measured on an interval scale. In addition, transformations can be used to approximate the theoretical distribution that the sampled date is assumed to follow. By transforming the observations to a distribution that we understand e.g. Normal, Poisson, we are able to correctly analyze the data.

Central tendency

The measure of central tendency in ratio data is estimated by the mode and mean but in addition the minor means can be calculated. These are the Geometric mean, the Harmonic mean and the Contra harmonic mean.

The geometric mean is the nth root of the product of the observations.



The usual computational method is to calculate

LogG = {SUM[log(OBS)]}/n


and then get the anti-log to determine G. If a transformation shows that the distribution is log-normally distributed then the geometric mean is a better measurement of the central tendency than is the arithmetic mean. The geometric mean can never be used when at least one observation is zero! It may be used to average ratios.

The harmonic mean  is the reciprocal of the mean of the reciprocals of the numbers. It should be used when the reciprocals of the numbers are normally distributed.



The contra harmonic mean is useful whenever a few individual observations contribute a disproportionate amount to the arithmetic mean; and, the relationship of these two means is a measure of those contributions.



An example follows. In this case there are 5 families of organisms and the number of species in each family is given the table below.

# taxa/sample=T

# of samples=OB


4 10 40
3 10 30
2 10 20
1 10 10
0 10 0
Totals 50 100

Thus in 50 samples there are a total of 100 taxa! The arithmetic mean is 2. However, we cannot conclude that the average taxon comes from a two taxa sample. If we tabulate for each taxon the number of taxa in the sample it came from we get the following.

# taxa/sample=T

# of samples


4 40 160
3 30 90
2 20 40
1 10 10
0 0 0
Totals 100 300

Thus 100 taxa have 300 observations which is an arithmetic mean of 3. This is the correct answer. The mean calculated is actually the contraharmonic mean.


The dispersion is measured by the Variance and by the Coefficient of variation. The CV is a pure number measured in terms of the standard deviation and the mean.




The position of one observation with respect to the group is estimated using the same statistics as the interval scaled data. In addition, an individual can be compared directly as a ratio, often as an index number.


[after Sander 1958, Stevens 1972]


Theoretical Distribution

Transformations to a distribution


Geometric Mean

Harmonic Mean

Contra harmonic Mean


Coefficient of Variation

Percent Variation

Decilog Dispersion


Index Numbers


The ordinal scale can be transformed by any increasingly monotonic function.  The interval scale allows multiplication by a constant. In general, moving from an interval to a ratio scale of measurement does not add much to the statistics that can be used. However, it does open up the power of other mathematical techniques of analysis. Numerals from a ratio scale have all the properties of real numbers and can be raised to powers, have roots extracted, and reciprocal and logarithms taken. Thus if a variable is not normally distributed then it can be transformed to a form that is normally distributed and analyzed using the powerful procedures of Normal statistics. The results can then be transformed back into the real data set.


In interpreting spatial data it is often important to know how the specific abundance of attributes and how they vary in a sample; and perhaps more importantly, how does the abundance of attributes vary across sites. In many populations the frequencies of occurrences of individuals having a particular attribute in a sample are known to follow a specific statistical distribution. For example, Gaussian, Lognormal, and Poisson distributions have all been noted as being characteristic of certain populations. Functions are readily available to test any sampled population to determine if it does or does not fit a certain distribution, and standard univariate tests of significance can be used to fail to reject the hypothesis that a population fits a particular distribution. The types of equitability measures considered herein are given in the following Table.




Grundy Exact Probability


Relative Uncertainty


Macintosh Ordination


If the abundance of attributes in a population is known, or assumed, to follow a specific distribution then a measure of the abundance of a specific attribute is fairly straightforward. For example, if it is assumed that the abundance distribution of attributes is Lognormal then the frequency of occurrence of the attributes from the sampled population can be assigned a location under the Lognormal curve. Moreover, the shape of the sampled distribution will allow the total number of attributes to be estimated. Whether or not to include the unrepresented attributes [zero values] depends on the analysis, and often a truncated distribution is used i.e. the 0 abundance class is eliminated. One must decide whether or not zero is a valid number in the dataset. Pielou [1969:203-220] has discussed this for species relationships within a sample.

The ideas of evenness and an even distribution provide a method for looking at how a sampled population differs from a standard population. In this case the standard assumes all categories are equally represented, and that an analysis exists that can produce a statistic that estimates the difference between the standard and the sampled population. Understanding such an index may be difficult because sampling is from an available population representing some theoretical population which has a real distribution of categories. Almost certainly, this real distribution of categories will not be the same as the standard population. What is needed, therefore is a robust measure that is not influenced by the underlying theoretical distribution.


The exact probability method of Grundy [1951], available for the discrete Lognormal distribution, is the one we have implemented. This is the probability that an attribute in a sample or collection of sites will be represented by r individuals. The index is dependent upon the mode [m] and thus influenced by sample size. The derived statistics of interest are the estimates of the total number of attributes and the s2 [variance of the Lognormal curve].



Lloyd and Ghelandi [1964] provided an early discussion of equitability. Relative uncertainty, based upon the Shannon-Wiener function [Shannon & Wiener, 1949],  was used as a measure of sample equitability by Pielou[:233] who gives the following formula for calculating Hmax.


The index is influenced by the evenness of the distribution and the number of attributes and as such is slightly sample size dependent.


McIntosh [1967] provided an ordination method for measuring equitability involving frequency and the number of categories [K]. This is the McIntosh equitability index. The evenness is a minimum when the attributes are evenly distributed.


If the location of the attribute or site categories are plotted in such a way that their frequencies range from the high to the low values [or vice versa], then the shape of the distribution is a visualization of the attribute equitability [evenness] and site equitability. This is shown in Figures x and x from which it is seen that diversity and equitability can be illustrated together





Dispersion observed in the categories of discrete data sets for known distributions is a measure of diversity. Robust measures of diversity are available. As Margalef [1958:50] pointed out a big drawback when comparing samples that contain diverse types is that the process of calculating the index is an attempt to adjust a natural distribution to a simple mathematical expression of more or less arbitrary form.

Pielou [1969, p.222] uses a definition of diversity that applies to single samples and is concerned with variation in the number of attributes and their abundances. This is sample diversity and is related to the abundance [count] of individuals [observations] in each attribute class, as was illustrated in Figure x. It is the basis of the calculation of diversity indices used by Pielou.

In addition, the term diversity is used to describe a characteristic of the variation in either the number of sites or the number of attributes. Attribute diversity is a count of how many sites are contained in each category of a set of attributes; whereas, site diversity is a count of how many attributes occur in each category of a set of sites. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate these concepts of diversity for a site dataset using multistate counts. A major problem is that the index generally depends upon sample size. The single site diversity indices listed in the Table below were implemented.




McIntosh Ordination


E. H. Simpson # 1


E. H. Simpson # 2


E. H. Simpson # 3


Margalet Diversity


MacArthur Rarefaction


The basic diversity index is the uncertainty index [H] or the SHANNON-WIENER INDEX [Shannon & Wiener, 1949]. This index relates the proportions [p] of cases in each category observed in the available population.


The units of H are those of the log such that log2 is in bits and log10 is in decits. The value is maximized when all categories are represented in equal proportions and it can be used for all scales of measurement.


In our analyses Stirling's Approximation is used to calculate the factorial.


McIntosh [1967] used an ordination method to estimate diversity for data measured on interval or ratio scales. The McIntosh Ordination Index relates the number of categories and the frequency of occurrence in each category using the following equation.


This provides a measure of diversity that is independent of N [Pielou, 1969:234]. The maximum value occurs when there is a single category and the minimum when each category contains a single value. This is an ordination technique because it's value is measured in K-category space with coordinates x11...x1n.

E. H. Simpson [1949] provided early examples of robust indices for measuring diversity based on the probability that individuals sampled from a population will have the same attribute e.g. will belong to the same species. He provided three formulae for calculating diversity indices. SIMPSON INDEX # 1 measures single site diversity.


SIMPSON INDEX # 2 similarly measures single site diversity.


Pielou [1969:223] discusses the basis of SIMPSON INDEX # 3 and provides the following formula.


Odum, Cantlar and Kornicker [1960] saw. in general, three approaches to diversity indices. The first approach measures the rate of attribute increase with additional sites i.e. the relationship of the cumulative attributes against the log of their abundance. Margalef [1957] provides an example of this approach as the margalef diversity index. Margalef [1958] made on important contribution to diversity indices pointing out that information theory provides a diversity index for a completely sampled population. Pielou [1969:231-233] later gave an expanded discussion of this.


The second approach uses a Lognormal distribution and was used by Preston [1948] using theoretical Lognormal frequencies and the assumption that each category was represented by it's expected value. The Grundy exact probability index discussed earlier used this approach.

The third approach involves comparing the observed abundances of categories with the log of the rank. MacArthur [1957] used this method for calculating diversity in non-overlapping ecological niches. The index relies on the number of attributes and assumes a specific abundance for each category based on the number of categories. Indeed, MacArthur [1968] later rejected this index after criticism by Pielou. Nevertheless, the index may have use for site analysis. It is further discussed in Pielou [1969:214-217].




N = number of observations

K =number of attributes.

i =interval between successively ranked attributes and the rarest attribute.

r =rank in the rarest attribute.


Comparative diversity indices involve the calculation of a diversity index based on two samples. Those indices implemented are listed in the Table below.


Austin & Orloci


Bray & Curtis


Canberra Metric


G. G. Simpson # 1


G. G. Simpson # 2


G. G. Simpson # 3


Crusafont & Santonja


Kulczywski Community




These dual site diversity indices when applied to multiple samples produce a square matrix showing the index of all site pairs. The basic calculation of such an index is indicated below using the AUSTIN & ORLOCI INDEX.


Attribute 1

Attribute 2

Attribute 3

Attribute 4

Site 1





Site 2






In this formulae:

(xp-xq)2 =1 if the attribute is present at one of the sites;

(xp-xq)2 =0 if the attribute is present or absent at both sites.

Here the Austin and Orloci index is the square root of a simple count of the number of attributes present in one sample but absent in another and as such is a difference measure.

The Bray and Curtis index  is likewise a difference measure, ranging from 0 to +1 with +1 indicating the maximum difference.


The Canberra Metric likewise is a difference index. This was used by Cook, Williams & Stephenson [1971] to analyze bottom communities.


G. G. Simpson presented a series of dual sample diversity indices for measuring site uniformity. The Simpson #1 index is a simple percentage index used for nominal data.


The Simpson #2 index can be used for ratio data.


The Simpson #3 index is used for ordinal data and uses the abundance rank of the attribute at the site.






Similarity is related to the variation between or among objects. Variation is related to the scale of measurement, and is the magnitude of the difference in attribute [or sample] values, when two or more samples [or attributes] are compared. There are a variety of similarity indices that have been investigated and published and these essentially can be classified according to the scale of measurement of the data. In addition, specific kinds of similarity indices have been developed for point, line, polygon, two dimensional, and spatial datasets. Sokal & Sneath [1963] provided a review of similarity indices and later Sneath & Sokal [1973] reviewed the major classes of indices. The following Table list the similarity indices we have implemented. This figure indicates the highest scale of measurement of the data to which each index can be applied.











The indices for calculating attribute similarity over sample space are based on the resemblance between two samples. Table 11 uses nominal data to illustrate a general similarity index. The sample contingency table is generalized in Table 12 and from this generalization a variety of similarity indices can be defined.








Sample # 1






Sample # 2







Sample # 1 [Cij=0.4]




















Sample # 1

Sample # 2








a + b




c + d


a + c

b + d




Roger & Tanimoto


Russel & Roe


Sokal & Michener











Kulczynski # 1



Minkowski metric


City Block metric


Euclidean metric [weighted]


Pearson's Chi-Sq




Calhoun non-metric


Lance & Williams non-metric




Correlation ratio




Joint Count






Common Boundary





Information #1


Information #4


Information #5


Information #6


Preston LogN






Features of difference


Squared distance




E. H. Simpson # 1

E. H. Simpson # 2

E. H. Simpson # 3





MacArthur # 1

MacArthur # 2

Measure of evenness


G. G. Simpson # 2

Austin & Orloci

Bray & Curtis

Crusafont & Santonja

Kulczywski Community




Common boundary


Information # 1

Information # 4

Information # 5

Information # 6

Preston's LogN






G. G. Simpson # 3










Kulczynski # 1

Yule Coefficient

Coefficient of difference

Sokal distance

Rogers & Tanimoto

Correlation ratio


Joint count statistics


Resemblance Equation

Features of difference

Squared Taxonomic distance

G. G. Simpson # 1


Essentially the method of searching through pages of numbers derived from experimental results, looking for anomalies that would support an hypothesis or present new ideas is obsolete.Scientific visualization and especially three dimensional visualization represents one of the most powerful advancements in the application of computer technology to solving scientific and real-life problems that has occurred in recent years. Advances in printer and plotter technology has not only led to camera-ready output allowing more rapid dissemination of results but also has brought with it visualization tools that can be readily applied during the phase of data analysis and at the computer screen. The prospects and benefits of fast visualization technology means that it is now possible to make computers present real world data in a graphical format that is readily understandable and accessible by human operators. Analytical software that allows concentration on the scientific analysis  enlarges our  potential for discovering new relationships. Defanti & Brown [1991] expressed this view as: technical reality today and a cognitive imperative tomorrow is the use of images. The ability of scientists to visualize complex computations and simulations is absolutely essential to ensure the integrity of analyses, to provoke insights, and to communicate those insights with others.


The basic output from site analysis is an unstructured table of similarity indices in which each sample is compared with all others; and a bar chart showing the abundance of each attribute in a sample. The results can be visualized as an unstructured matrix of values but are better studied by further statistical treatment such as the application of cluster, factor, or discriminant function procedures.


The visualization of similarities derived from linear analysis uses simple frequency polygons, and pixel plots of the square matrix of similarities. These matrices can be contoured as isoline maps. Sectional data is readily visualized using isoline mapping procedures, contoured block diagrams, and pixplots.


Areal data can be best visualized by choropleth maps and block diagrams.


Three dimensional visualization and voxel rendering are the appropriate ways to examine the results of the analysis of spatial data. The natural extension of the simple scientific visualization techniques is the use of virtual reality to enhance the experience of the graphically defined environment: the assumption being that virtual reality techniques can improve the interpretative ability of the observer.




Austin M. P. & Orloci L. 1966. An evaluation of some ordination techniques. J. Ecology 54:217-227.

Bray J. R. & Curtis J. T. 1957. An ordination of the upland forest communities of southern Wisconsin.

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Boots B. N., & Getis A., 1988, Point Pattern Analysis, Sage Publications, London, 93 p.

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Margalef D. R., 1957. Information theory in ecology. General Systems, 3:36-71

McIntosh R. P., 1967. An index of diversity and the relation of certain concepts to diversity. Ecology 48:398-404.

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It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

SQRT [ sum ( ( DNEG ) * ( DNEG ) ) ]

REF: AUSTIN M. P. & ORLOCI L. 1966 An evaluation of some ordination techniques. J. Ecology 54:217-227.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ SUM |DNEG| ] / [ SUM ( DPOS ) ]

REF: BRAY J. R. & CURTIS J. T. 1957 An ordination of the upland forest communities of southern Wisconsin. Ecol. Monograph.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ LOG2 (N!) ] - [ SUM ( LOG2 (NI!) ) ]

REF: BRILLOUIN L. 1962 Science and Information Theory. Academic Press New York 351 p.


Used for Q-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

C / N2

where N1 < = N2

REF: BRAUN-BLANQUET 1932 Plant Sociology: the study of plant communities. Translated by FULLER G. D. and CONRAD H. S. McGraw-Hill New York xvii+439


N.B. = (1-Braun-Blanquet Coefficient).

Used for R-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

1 - ( C / N2 )

REF: SAVAGE J. M. 1960 Evolution of a peninsular herpetofauna Systematic. Zoology 9:184-212



It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

SUM [ |DNEG| / ( CPOS ) ]

REF: COOK S.D., WILLIAMS W. T. & STEPHENSON W. 1971 Computer analysis of Peterson's original data on bottom communities. Ecol. Monograph. 42(4):387-415.


Used for Q-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

( C * C ) / ( N1 * N2 )

REF: SORGENFREI T. 1959 Molluscan assemblages from the marine middle Miocene of south Jutland and their environments: Denmark Geol. Unders. ser 2-79:2 vols. 503p.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ 100 * IC * N1 * N2 ] / [ 2C ( I1 * N2 + I2 * N1 ) ]

REF: CRUSAFONT PAIRO M. & TRUYOLS SANTONJA J. 1958 Ensayo sobre el extablecimiento de una nueva formula de semejanza fuanistica. Barcelona Inst. Biologia Aplicada Publ. 28:87-94.

REF: SIMPSON G. G. 1960 Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. American J. Sci. 258-A:307-311.




Widely used in both Q- and R-mode analysis.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

(2C) / (N1 + N2)

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

SUM [ (NI * NI)/N ]

REF: SIMPSON E. H. 1949 Measurement of diversity Nature 163:688.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

SUM [ (NI/N) * (NI/N) ]]

REF: SIMPSON E. H. 1949 Measurement of diversity Nature 163:688.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

1-SUM [ (NI/N) * (NI/N) ]

REF: SIMPSON E. H. 1949 Measurement of diversity Nature 163:688.


Used for Q-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ C / SQRT ( N1 * N2 ) ] / 1 / 2 * SQRT( N2 ) ]

where N1 < = N2

REF: FAGER E.W. & MCGOWAN J. A. 1963 Zooplankton attributes groups in the North Pacific. Science 140:453-460


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

{ N * [ 10 * EXP( (N1-N)/N1 ) ] } / { 1 - [ 10 * EXP( (N1-N)/N1 ) ] }

REF: FISHER R. A. CORBET A. S. & WILLIAMS C. B. 1943 The relation between the number of attributes and the number of individuals in a random sample of an animal population. Journ. Anim. Ecol. 12:42-58.


This is a percentage index.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ ( C ) / ( N1 + N2 ) ] * 100

REF: SIMPSON G. G. 1960 Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. American J. Sci. 258-A:307-311.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ ( I1/ONEN ) + ( I2/TWON ) ] * 50

REF: SIMPSON G. G. 1960 Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. American J. Sci. 258-A:307-311.


It is used for NOMINAL and ORDINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ 1 - SUM [ ( RANK1 - RANK2 ) * ( RANK1 -RANK2 ) ] ] / [ C [ ( C * C ) - 1 ] ]

REF: SIMPSON G. G. 1960 Notes on the measurement of faunal resemblance. American J. Sci. 258-A:307-311.


Used for R-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ ( C + A ) - ( E1 + E2 ) ] / [ Nt + A ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


The formulae has not been implemented.

REF: PIELOU C. 1966 The measurement of diversity on different types of biological collections. Amer. Nat.



The formulae has not been implemented.

REF: SANDERS H. L. 1968 Marine benthic diversity: a comparative study. Amer. Nat. 102:243-282.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

-SUM [ (NI/N) * LOGN (NI/N) ]

REF: MCARTHUR R. H. 1966 Patterns of attributes diversity Biol. Rev. 40:510-533


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

-SUM [ (NI/N) * LOGE (NI/N) ]

REF: MCINTOSH R. P. 1967 An index of diversity and the relation of certain concepts to diversity. Ecology 48:392-404.



Widely used in Q-mode analysis.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

C / (N1 + N2 - C)

REF: JACCARD P. 1908 Nouvelles recherches sur la distribution florale. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat 44:223-270.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ 2W ] / [ I1 + I2 ]

REF: KULCZYNSKI S. 1937 Zespoly rosliln w pienincah - die pflanzen-assoziationen der pieninen. Polon. Acad. des Sci. & Letters Cl. des Sci. Math. & Nat. Bull. Internatl. Ser. B (suppl. II):57-203.


Used in both Q- and R-mode analysis.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

C / ( N1 + N2 - 2C )

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


Used in both Q- and R-mode analysis.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ C (N1 + N2) ] / [ 2 * N1 * N2 ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


The formulae has not been implemented.

REF: MACARTHUR R. H. 1957 On the relative abundance of bird attributes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 43:293-295.


The formulae has not been implemented.

REF: MACARTHUR R. H. 1957 On the relative abundance of bird attributes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 43:293-295.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ N1-1 ] / [ LOGN (N) ]

REF: MARGALEF R. 1957 Information theory in ecology. English Trans. Gen. System. 3:36-71

Macintosh INDEX

It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ N1 - SQRT [ SUM (NI * NI) ] ] / [ N - SQRT (N) ]]

REF: Macintosh R. P. 1967 An index of diversity and the relation of certain concepts to diversity. Ecology 48: 398-404.


Used for Q-mode analysis

The formulae has not yet been implemented.

EQUITABILITY is a measure of the evenness of the distribution of variables (taxa) in a sample


A special case of the Squared Taxonomic Distance of Sokal.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

E1 + E2

REF: STEPHENSON W. WILLIAMS W. T. & LANCE G. N. 1968. Numerical approaches to the relationships of certain. American swimming crabs (Crustacea: Portunidea). Proc. U.S. Natl. Museum 124:1-25.



Used in both Q- and R-mode analysis.

This is a special case of the Coefficient of Proportional Similarity (Imbrie and Purdy 1962).


It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

C / SQRT ( N1 * N2 )

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


Used for Q- and R-mode analysis.

A special case of the Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient.

An excellent statistic for Q-mode studies.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ ( C * A ) - ( E1 * E2 ) ] / SQRT[ N1 * N2 * ( E1 + A ) * ( E2 + A ) ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


The formulae has not been implemented.

REF: PRESTON F. W. 1948 The commonness and rarity of attributes. Ecol. 29:254-283


Used for R-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used calculates 'Z' and is:

[ ( N1 / Nt ) ** (1 / Z) ] + [ ( N2 / Nt ) ** (1 / Z) ] = 1

REF: PRESTON F. W. 1962 The canonical distribution of commonness and rarity:part II. Ecology 43:410-432


Used for R-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ C + A ] / [ Nt + A + E1 + E2 ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

% of most abundant attributes.

REF: SANDERS H. L. 1968. Marine benthic diversity: a comparative study. Amer. Naturalist 102:243-282



It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

-SUM [ (NI/N) * ( LOG2 (NI/N) ) ]

REF: SHANNON C. E. & WEINER 1963 The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Univ. Ill. Press Urbana ILL.


Used in both Q- and R-mode analysis

Can be used only when there are 3 or more samples.

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

(C + A) / (Nt + A)

REF: SOKAL R.R. AND MICHENER C.D. 1958 A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships:

Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 38:1409-1438


Used for Q-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

C / N1

where N1 < = N2

REF: SIMPSON G. G. 1943 Mammals and the nature of continents. American J. Sci. 241:1-31


It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

SQRT[ ( E1 + E2 ) / ( Nt + A ) ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


The formulae is not implemented.

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


Used for R-mode analysis

It is used for NOMINAL data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ ( C * A ) - ( E1 * E2 ) ] / [ ( C * A ) + ( E1 * E2 ) ]

REF: SOKAL AND SNEATH 1963 Principles of Numerical Taxonomy: Freeman San Francisco. 359p.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[N * N] / SUM [ NI (NI - 1) ]

REF: WILLIAMS C. B. 1964 Patterns in the Balance of Nature. Academic Press London. 324 p.


It is used for INTERVAL and RATIO data analysis

The formulae used is:

[ SUM |DNEG| ] / [ I1 + I2 ]

REF: WHITTAKER R. H. 1952. A study of summer foliage insect communities in the Great Smokey Mountains. Ecol. Monogr. 22:1-44.